Radiofrequency Microneedling

Why is Radiofrequency Microneedling the Hottest New Trend?

RF Microneedling Adhithi Rajesh, Priti P. Patel MD What is Radiofrequency Microneedling? Radiofrequency microneedling is a form of controlled skin injury that uses small, insulated needles to deliver high intensity radiofrequency energy to targeted tissue. The fine needles enter the skin, creating microwounds in the skin, and release radiofrequency energy into the microwounds. The damage …

Why is Radiofrequency Microneedling the Hottest New Trend? Read More »

Laser Hair Removal-When should you drop the razor?

Laser Hair Removal-When should you drop the razor? Shree Amin, Priti Patel MD   How does a laser treatment work? In essence, lasers emit wavelengths of light of specific, single colors. The energy from this light is transferred to the skin and hair pigment (specifically melanin). However, in hair removal, it is crucial to minimize …

Laser Hair Removal-When should you drop the razor? Read More »

Microdermabrasion Treatment (H)
Refresh your skin!

Our clinical microdermabrasion treatment combines a mini-facial service and quality exfoliation of the skin to reduce imperfections, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, and overall promote healthy skin. All of our microdermabrasion treatments are finished off with hydrating and clinical grade serums to build collagen production. Recommended as a monthly treatment.

Bookings close 8 hours before the session starts.
Cancellation Policy: To allow us to provide great services, we kindly ask all patients to adhere to appointment times. All appointments must be cancelled prior to 48 hours (TWO DAY NOTICE) before a service or consultation to avoid CANCELLATION FEE. Any appointments that are missed will be charged a $59 fee.