Hair Removal
The only choices we previously had for removing unwanted hair were smelly hair-removal creams, sharp razors, hot wax, or painful electrolysis needles. The best laser hair removal offers a more convenient and permanent solution.
Laser hair removal is a procedure which is based on the size of the area to be treated. Prices vary based on location treated. Schedule a consultation to better understand which package will best meet your needs. The office will determine your treatment protocol and share information regarding the procedure during your visit.
Treatment pricing (Each area is priced individually):
$129 /session Very small area (upper lip, chin, fingers)
$169/session Small area (sideburns, neck, armpits)
$299/session Medium area (face, arms, brazilian)
$379/session Large areas (1/2 legs, abdomen, buttock)
$459/session Full areas (Back, chest, full legs)
Packages can be customized to meet your needs with additional promotional discounts. This can be discussed during your consultation if you choose to purchase multiple sessions.
Remember: To achieve the desired results; the specified number of treatments must be adhered to. Skipping treatments, even when it appears you have achieved the results, will result in a less than optimal outcomes. Most patient require 6-10 treatments on average for optimal results. Touch up treatments a few times a year can be beneficial to maintain results. There will always be new hairs emerging from different hair cycles. For this reason, continued maintenance is recommended.

Pre-treatment instructions
- Avoid deep tanning (tanning bed, tanning creams) 4 weeks before, and 4 week after the treatment. If you must go in the sun, use a sunscreen SPF 30 or higher with a mineral component (zinc/titanium). Sun exposure can lead to pigmentary changes.
- If you are tan or have a darker skin type, we can utilize a different laser that can assist you in your hair removal needs. We will provide a complementary skin care consultation on the same day as your procedure. Note that lasers generally cannot treat white or lighter colored hairs as the machine works best by detecting pigment in the follicles.
- Please shave the hair you wish to be treated down to the skin before treatment approximately 24 hours prior. Our office does charge for shaving.
- It is recommended that you stop bleaching hair 10 days before procedure.
- It is best that you refrain from tweezing or waxing (3 weeks prior), shaving or trimming is better.
- Do NOT use accutane (6 months prior) or retinol prior to treatment (hold retinol for 7 days). No recent peels or aggressive facial treatments close to the treatment.
- DO NOT wear make-up, deodorant, perfumes or powder on the areas to be treated.
- If you have a history of herpes (cold sore), please inform our office so that we can prescribe suppressive therapy prior to your treatment. PLEASE INFORM OUR OFFICE IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF COLD SORES.
Treatment Information
Post- Treatment Instructions
- Immediately after treatment, there may be redness and bumps at the treatment site. It is normal for the treated area to feel like sunburn. Keep the area cool and hydrated. Aloe or Aquaphor are recommended post-treatment. Avoid hot showers.
- Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of dark or light spots. Use sunscreen SPF 30 or greater at all times throughout the course of treatment.
- Anywhere from 14-30 days after the treatment, shedding of the hair may occur and this may appear as new hair growth. This is not new hair growth, but dead hair pushing its way out of the follicle. These hairs will fall out on their own. Shave prior to the next treatment

You will likely see the results 3-4 weeks after treatment. The results vary from patient to patient. The color and thickness of your hair, area treated, type of laser used, and color of your skin all affect the results.
You can expect a 15-25% reduction in hair after the first treatment. Each subsequent treatment will continue to clear out more hairs.
This varies from patient to patient. Removing hair often requires a series of laser treatments. Most patients can have laser hair removal once every 4 to 6 weeks. We will schedule your next visit before you leave.
It’s important to shave prior to the next visit to prep the area being treated. We do not recommend waxing, threading or plucking prior to any laser treatments or in between sessions.
At Aesthetiq, its simply our pleasure to help patients uncover their true beauty. We encourage you to join our mailing list by signing up below. From scheduling to monthly events and promotions, you will be the first to know how we can assist in enhancing your appearance and embracing your self-esteem. Get the best laser hair removal treatment and facial hair removal treatment now.