
Breast resizing and reshaping

Having breasts that are just too large for your frame affects so many parts of your life.

What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is an operation to remove extra fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts.If you have large breasts that are out of proportion to the rest of your body and causing neck pain, back pain, or other symptoms, you may be considering breast reduction surgery.

Most women who get breast reduction are very satisfied with the results. Men with conditions such as gynecomastia (in which male breasts are abnormally enlarged) may also have it.

Because it’s major surgery, you should know the benefits, potential complications, and what’s involved in recovery.

Before the surgery, you’ll meet with Dr. Priti Patel to talk about your medical history and any prior surgery. We will show you images of prior work to help describe the procedure in detail.

Breast Lift or Mastopexy
Breast Reduction 1
Breast Reduction 2
Breast Reduction 4

Choosing Breast Reduction Surgery

Any woman who is considering surgical correction to reduce the size of her breasts can benefit from a breast reduction in New Jersey. This procedure combines the latest surgical techniques for long-lasting breast resizing and reshaping. At Aesthetiq Plastic Surgery, we understand the importance of creating a surgical result that not only looks fantastic soon after surgery but that retains lasting beauty for many years to come.

Treatment Information


Breast Reduction 3


The average breast reduction surgery can take three to four hours to complete but can vary based on the size of your breasts.
All surgeries carry small risks of complications. However, breast reduction surgery itself is generally very safe. We would advise to avoid smoking prior to surgery to minimize any risks. Weight loss is also helpful.
If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, we recommend doing this prior to surgery. Weight loss before or after breast reduction surgery can affect the resulting shape of the breast.
Anesthesia will be given during the procedure, but you might feel sore immediately after the surgery. Generally the procedure is well tolerated after the first few days.


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Microdermabrasion Treatment (H)
Refresh your skin!

Our clinical microdermabrasion treatment combines a mini-facial service and quality exfoliation of the skin to reduce imperfections, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, and overall promote healthy skin. All of our microdermabrasion treatments are finished off with hydrating and clinical grade serums to build collagen production. Recommended as a monthly treatment.

Bookings close 8 hours before the session starts.
Cancellation Policy: To allow us to provide great services, we kindly ask all patients to adhere to appointment times. All appointments must be cancelled prior to 48 hours (TWO DAY NOTICE) before a service or consultation to avoid CANCELLATION FEE. Any appointments that are missed will be charged a $59 fee.